Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crash and Burn!

If there's one thing I've learned from FlyLady it's this: the biggest problem is our tenancy to crash and burn.

We "build up speed and crash right through" our mountain of work. The last task is finished just as the houseguests knock on the door for the third time.

And? We are sick of housecleaning; it takes 2 weeks to recover. In plain words, we are burned-out.

Of course, two weeks later we have another huge wreck! The cycle continues.

This is what I did with my Cooking Day. I love the idea of making a whole week of meals (12 meals) in one day. And it is do-able. If only I would have stopped at 2.5 hours instead of continuing to the point of exhaustion at 3.5 hours. Maybe then I would look forward to my Cooking Day instead of dreading it (and procrastinating for weeks on end).

Yep, I definately have a "crash and burn" tendency!

FlyLady's cure:
1) Do your routine every day. This keeps the essentials from piling up.
2) Only work on Huge Project for a reasonable amount of time (Fly Lady suggests 15 minutes) and then stop until tomorrow.

Let's stop Crash -n- Burn!

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