Hi, I'm new to the blog world. I hope you can all bear with me as I learn how to navigate. Feel free to give me advice on how this works!
I've created this blog for the purpose of clarifying my goals each week. And to make a few new friends along the way. Join me, if you dare.
I am the kind of person who is constantly reviewing myself to find areas where I can improve. And I have found lots of areas! I'm going to have to focus on one at a time so that I don't become overwhelmed.
I have decided that the habit which would make the most difference in my life is Menu Planning. That is, planning a whole week in advance instead of hours or minutes before supper!
So! My
mega goal is to meal plan every week. I also want to make a rotating meal schedule, complete with freeze-ahead meals.
Here is my plan for this week... Subject to change, because I forgot to plan around a few engagements on our calendar!

I started writing this on our large dry erase board until 2 year old Bunny decided he could write on it, too. The result was quite a scribbled menu! Time for a new idea... I decided to write on the top portion of the fridge, where he can't reach, and let him use the bottom half to scribble on.
I want to work on menu planning every week, so I'll select another habit to specifically focus on for this week:
Mini goal: Singing!
I was inspired to chose singing because I have been memorizing Colossians 3, and verse 16 kept popping up at me. In my own words, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching one another in songs, singing to God with thankfulness in your hearts." Wow, Singing is pretty important!
I can remember as a child how carefree and relaxed life was when Mom sang as she worked. If Mom was happy, all was right in our play world, too. Truly, a mother's attitude affects the whole family!
Even if I don't feel like singing, I know my mood will improve if I just do it anyways. There's nothing like singing to lift the spirits.
Singing washes the dust out of everyday life. Paige