I have been focusing on one thing each week, which I would like to become a habit. Most of these are not new, but I'm not doing them regularly. So far I've focused on:
1. Singing while I work. Occasionally, I actually catch myself doing this without thinking!
2. Washing dishes every day. I'm doing better at this!! I still miss a day here and there, but there had been improvement!
3. Talking to God thru out my day. Better, but lots of room for improvement here.
4. And, my most recent: putting out my hotspot for 2 minutes every day. According to the Flylady, a hotspot is a place were you pile clutter. And, since clutter attracts more clutter, before long it gets out of hand!

My hotspot is the island in my kitchen: certainly a collection point for anything and everything at our house!
My husband likes to sit down here, so he definately prefers to see a clear counter top. And I feel so much better when I have room to work. No clutter sounds like a good idea for all of us!
My progress so far? Fair: it isn't stacked to the ceiling, but it's not totally cleared off either.
A few meals from last week:

Homemade Crunchwrap Supreme

Pizza Snack Cups

Day Before Mashed Potatoes

I've been working on a schedule for freezing meals each week and eating out of the freezer at the same time. Thursday I planned an all day long cooking spree.
First, I refried some cooked beans... That was an adventure! I probably will make my own refried beans again, but definately not on my Cooking Day. It took nearly an hour to make 3 cans worth!
Then, I quadrupled 5 recipes and prepped then. One of each recipe went to the fridge, and the other 15 found themselves in the freezer.
3.5 hours to make 20 meals! In reality, it was 7.5 hours from start to finish, since I made refried beans, we ate dinner, and I did lots of other things that mothers have to do. But I used a stopwatch and kept writing down how long I worked on the meals.
Quite frankly, I was exhausted till I finished. I immediately started to think of things I could do to make it easier... Maybe next time I won't plan to overdo it... Yeah, right. Planning to do too much is the one thing I'm really good at!
However, I'm certainly going to enjoy a week without cooking meals, even though I'll still be baking desserts and making cottage cheese.
My menu plan for this week is somewhat unplanned. There are some unknown meals in the freezer that need to be used up. I threw away lost the paper I'd written on, so who knows what kind of icky things we might be eating. :)
The few meals that I plan to make fresh are Cheesy Pizza and Cajun Delight.
I'll be linking up to Menu Plan Monday.Paige
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