One of the most powerful ways to pass on the faith to children is to tell them true stories that show God at work, not only in Bible times, but also in your lifetime. Probably, the most potent stories are the ones that they see happen. It is important for me as a mother to notice God's handiwork and then point it out as such to my young ones:
The sun rising in the morning.
The way our bodies work.
Their friend who logically "should" have died, but lived.
The cycle of life (water cycle, plant cycle, the way the planets orbit, etc)
Making a list of God's work in my life also increases my own trust in God:
The story of how my husband and I "met."
The times I've been in crashes and survived.
The way God has led me to mature
The circumstances He has put me in for the purpose of teaching me how to cope with that particular situation.
Truly, God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform!

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